

● Reduces the Instance of Diabetes in Tests
● Promotes Weight Loss in Lab
● Reduces the Presence of Bad cholesterol (LDL)
● Increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL)
● For Research & Lab Use Only


GW-501516, better known as CardaRx, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator that is popularly known for its properties that promote fat reduction. It has been tested and found to be safe when taken together with other SARMs such as Andarine, Ligandrol, or Ostarine.

Aside from muscle building and fat reduction, CardaRx is also used for different medical purposes including treatment of cardiovascular diseases and even lipid strain, obesity and many other diseases. This SARM binds effectively with Peroxisome Proliferator – Active Receptors (PPAR) increasing output energy sustaining it for longer periods. It was developed by Glaxo Smith Kline and Ligand Pharmaceuticals back in 1990 and was originally intended as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases.

Known Properties of CardaRx

CardaRx activates the body’s energy usage to the same level as doing exercise. As a result, the cells consume more energy which means that more calories are burned during the process. It’s been found to aid in losing weight and shedding-off body fats. It has also shown some properties that reduce the risk of diabetes while increasing the metabolic process of fatty acids. Aside from that, animal tests also show an increase in the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and a decrease in bad cholesterol (LDL).

This effect is associated with its ability in boosting ABCA1 cholesterol transporter expression. CardaRx (GW-501516) is potentially helpful in reducing problems with cholesterol. The popular benefits of CardaRx include the following:
●  Potentially lessens the instance of diabetes
● Animal tests show that it cuts down calories and reduces body fats
● Promotes weight loss
● Reduces the presence of bad cholesterol (LDL)
● Increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL)

Possible Side Effects of CardaRx

There are those who claim that CardaRx causes cancer but with over 20 years of existence since it has been discovered, there are no cases of cancer reported in those who tested the compound itself. There are no known estrogenic effects but it’s still not recommended for use by humans. There is no conclusive evidence that proves CardaRx is fully safe to be used as human supplement.

Suggested Use

Press the bulb of the dropper once for 0.5ml. Consume this amount twice for a total of one ml. You should consume 20mg – 30mg per day, for a max of 8 weeks.

Recommended dosing and guidelines

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